Alfie Evans, appeal to the Liverpool and Roma teams’ supporters

Fr. Francesco Indelicato, director of the Roman Diocesan Office for Leisure Time, Tourism and Sport: «They will express concretely their support for this family and will be close to them in defense of the life and dignity of every human being»

The Champions League match that will be held tonight, April 24th, in Liverpool between Liverpool and AS Roma teams will be the occasion to support Alfie Evans cause. «The two soccer teams see their destinies crossed not only on the football field, but also on the dramatic story of the little Alfie Evans», declares the director of the Roman Diocesan Office for Leisure Time, Tourism and Sport, Fr. Francesco Indelicato, to the press agency, ANSA. Therefore the appeal to the supporters of the two teams «so that, apart from the right sporting competition, they will express concretely their support for this family and will be close to them in defense of the life and dignity of every human being».

This afternoon at 4:30 PM CET has been scheduled a new and unexpected hearing with the lawyers, the family and the Alder Hey hospital in Liverpool. This should take to a final decision on Alfie’s story who, although receving help with the oxygen mask since this morning, is not assisted by ventilation. His situation is stable so far but the hospital declares that no medical bulletin will be issued, «out of respect for Alfie and his family’s privacy».


April 24th 2018

Italian >> Alfie Evans, l’appello alle tifoserie di Liverpool e Roma